A simple art direction for Astro.
A simple art direction for Astro.
Use Feelback service within your Astro website
React like Context for astro.js
Expose your local Astro server to the internet
Components for the Astro Odyssey theme
Generic, batteries-included prototype for Astro pages
Utilities to add a static full text index to an Astro project
🎯 Set redirect urls in your frontmatter within your Astro site's Markdown files. Mimics the behavior of jekyll-redirect-from.
Matomo integration for Astro
Progressively enhanced. This component globally override regular `title` attributes on all links with Tippy.js tooltips.
Adds vanilla-extract support to Astro
Try out different fonts on your website by putting a font picker in the Astro Dev Toolbar
Social media share buttons for your Astro site
Bare minimum SEO meta tags to make most social networks and Google engine happy.
Parses browser user-agent strings for Astro
An Astro component for rendering a responsive <picture> element for an image fetched from Sanity
The Astro adapter of AWS Serverless
Embed YouTube videos with a static placeholder which only embeds when you click
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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